I decided to replace my planned blog with this blog due to the fact that I spent the night at the hospital with my sister because she broke her wrist in a fall at her job. I didn't get to bed until 8am and didn't want to do a blog where I really had to think and compose. So here is a nice little visit to the emergency room. I found some neat things to photograph while waiting around. So without further ado...
A Visit to the Emergency RoomFirst wrap.

Final wrap.

All done and all slung up. Waiting for discharge.

Handy new arm rest.

I love that he keeps his clamp handy hanging on the
outside of his shirt.

We were in 3B. They brought the x-ray machine right
to the room.

And, in no particular order, here are some of the things I found
to photograph.

Becky and I both think you are one odd cookie, one strange kind of a nut. LOL I do understand how boring the emergency room is but seriously, kidney basins? the curtains?? Hahahaha1 You crack me up.
LOL...I was having fun! Those are only the ones I posted here. I have more. Wanna see em?
my favorite is the crash cart. i chuckled.
What an interesting way to spend time at the emergency! Very funny!
@Travis...I loved that, too.
@Sue...Yeah...we were there for four hours. It was a long night with a lot of waiting. Overdoses, car wrecks and heart attacks take precedence over a simple broken wrist. The staff was wonderful, though.
I love all the pictures! I made Trevor take a similar picture when we had Tristan. I'll try and find it and post it on my blog.
Thanks, Cindi. I will watch for it.
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