The baby had an appointment today and I wanted to go to talk to his doctor about a few episodes we have seen lately that were a little scary. Emily, the baby's other grandma didn't have a chance to see any of these episodes, but David was present for all of them and I was present for one of them and they were a little scary. I've been taking care of babies since I was eleven years old and I have never seen anything like this. I've never had a baby in my care that has had a seizure or convulsion, and I'm not sure that what Daelin did was actually either of them, but it was a little freaky none-the-less.
David had called me yesterday to ask if I would pick up a crib for them if Emily bought it because there is no way it would fit in her car. I was glad to oblige, so last night when I got off from work he called and wanted to know if I wanted to come over for a bit and pick up the receipt. Emily was still there when I got there and we all started talking and we got into one of those kinds of conversations that kind of went on forever. It was all quite interesting, really, and I'm not going to go into that here, but before we knew it, it was around 3am in the morning. So I drug myself home and got into bed and went to sleep around 4. I heard Jeren get up and figured I would just get up early and be tired today, but then I decided to snuggle back down and didn't get up until 11. Argghhh!
Are you bored yet?
Whatever. I got up and did some stuff around the house but decided I would get the crib after the appointment instead of before. Tuesday, Jodi, an acquaintance from Craigslist had emailed me about a "Winnie the Pooh" lamp she found in her closet. She had recently given me four "Winnie the Pooh" lithographs for the baby and thought that they might like to have the lamp, too. I figured I would go get that and then head to the doctor's appointment and on the way I could stop and get some McDonald's coffee. It's cheaper at the 72nd street McDonald's than the one by my house and it was right on the way. Jodi wasn't home when I stopped by, so I left and headed to the pediatrician's office. We had to wait about two minutes before being called in to the room. Very nice!
Here is Daelin waiting in the car seat.
Ok, grandma, but you only get one eye open.
The doctor's appointment went really well. The nurse checked him out
and asked questions and it was barely two minutes between her leaving and the Doctor coming into the room.
We were in the "Farm Room". This was a bench in the room:
They're not quite done decorating it yet. They just repainted everything.
I like this place and I really like the pediatrician. He is very down-to-earth and family friendly. We all expressed our concerns about Daelin's little episodes and he patiently allowed all of us a turn to talk. Emily didn't have much to say because she hadn't actually seen what happened and it's hard to describe here, so I won't try, but he did give them the number to schedule an EEG to be check his brain activity and make sure things are firing correctly. If that turns out ok there are several non-threatening reasons to explain just what is happening and he gave options to start trying now that might avert future episodes.
Nikki dressing Daelin after the check-up.
"Hi Grandma. You can have both eyes open for this one."
We all felt better after the visit so we decided to go to Las Palomas, something we've been trying to do together for months, now. However, it's just not in the cards.
Today's reason:
Closed for remodeling. It's also getting a name change, so I'm hoping the food will still be the same. I love their spinach enchiladas. So yummy!
David and I headed off to get the crib and see about his check and Nikki and Emily and the baby headed off to get her prescription. We decided we would just all do fast food so they went to Frugal's and David and I tried the place that used to be A & W. He had a "Blessing Burger" and I had a mushroom burger. The food was pretty good and the fries were those coated kind, which I really like.
Are you bored yet?
We headed back to the apartment and I pushed David up the stairs while he end-over-ended the crib up the stairs. (it was very heavy) Mainly I was making sure the weight of the crib didn't push him over backwards, but Nikki found it very amusing. haha.
We visited awhile and then Emily left to go home and David and Nikki set about building a crib while Daelin and I napped together on the couch. I didn't really need a nap, but when a nice little snuggly baby falls asleep on your chest, it's like a sleeping pill.
I was a little annoyed because I wanted to get pictures of them building the crib, but oh well. I have this one of David putting together the hamper.
And the finished product, minus the hamper and trundle drawer.
Are you bored yet?
Ok...well, that is about it anyway. I spent all day with David, Nikki and Daelin doing almost nothing and I'm not going to feel guilty about it. It was actually quite relaxing and enjoyable and they even let me tie the bumper pads on the crib because David couldn't master making a bow out of the ties. It wasn't easy, even for me.
This was quite entertaining! Not boring at all.
I will be praying that your little guy will be Ok.
I like that crib.
Any restaurant that serves a "Blessing burger" sounds great to me.
Sounds like you had a pretty good day.
Yes, Sue. I guess once in awhile we just need a day away from all the chores we know are waiting for us at home.
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