Monday, June 14, 2010

Pictures from my new camera

I'm not sure I like my new one as well as my old one, but maybe it's because it's new and not feeling familiar yet. I got a lot done in the yard today even though I spent quite a bit of time playing with the camera. So glad it's my Friday!

Setting the super macro manually.

Macro manually set to get the bee using continuous shooting.

Fading rhody flower.

One of my next projects is to wire brush this and use rust reformer on it.

Using camera's scene detection where it picks macro all by itself.

Zooming to the bird on the roof.

Bird on a wire. Zoom plus close-up.

Beer can kids left across the yard.

Blue spruce with macro chosen by the camera.

Super macros chosen by me.

Macro chosen by me.

Macro chosen by camera.

First picture taken sitting on my bed.

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